How to Make Energy Elixir in Graveyard Keeper

As you may know, crops in Graveyard Keeper can take a while to grow. And if you need them right now, it can be quite a frustrating wait. However, there is onefertilizerthat can help speed up this process. But you’ll need an energy elixir to make it. This item is an alchemy product you can make yourself. In this guide, we will teach you how you can make an energy elixir, how to get the needed resources, and what to do with this item in Graveyard Keeper.

What Do You Need to Make Energy Elixir

What Do You Need to Make Energy Elixir

To make an energy elixir in Graveyard Keeper, you’ll need thealchemy workbench I. It requires these resources:

After you construct the workbench in the alchemy laboratory located in the church’s basement, you can make a combination of the following resources in the same order:

How to Get the Needed Resources

Now, let’s go over how you can obtain each of the alchemy ingredients necessary for making energy elixir.Acceleration powderrequires you to break down either one hemp or one honey inside the alchemy mill. Both of these items will produce 3 acceleration powders or 4 of them in case you have the Master of Alchemy perk unlocked.

Theslowing solutionis produced inside the “hand mixer” machine with 1 beeswax, 1 hops (of any quality), or 1 fat. Fat will produce 1 slowing solution, hops 3 slowing solutions, and beeswax will get you 4 slowing solutions by default. Beeswax is also the hardest to get, so sticking with hops and fat is good enough.

Theslowing powderrequires 1 hops (of any quality) or 1 spider web. Break them down inside the alchemy mill and you’ll receive 2 slowing powders for a spider web and 4 slowing powders for hops by default. Hops is a better option in this case.

To produce theacceleration solution, you will need to break down 1 honey or 1 blue jelly in the hand mixer. Honey will yield 4 of these solutions, while blue jelly will yield 2 of them. Honey is not that difficult to get, so it’s a better pick.

Energy Elixir Recipe in Graveyard Keeper

Energy Elixir Recipe in Graveyard Keeper

Follow the steps below to craft an energy elixir in Graveyard Keeper.

What Do You Do With the Energy Elixir

Energy elixir is pretty much used only in one way – to makeboost fertilizersinside the church workbench. The boost fertilizer I requires 10 peat and 1 energy elixir. It will speed up the crop’s growth by 40%, decreasing the time from 24 minutes to about 15 minutes for most crops.

The boost fertilizer II requires 10 peat and 2 energy elixirs. The crop will grow 60% faster, knocking down time from 24 minutes to about 10 minutes for most crops.

To apply these fertilizers to crops, you should first use them on theempty garden bed. Then, you can plant the crops, and they will receive the boots. If you plant the crops first, you won’t be able to apply fertilizer to them.

Now you know how to make an energy elixir in Graveyard Keeper. With this item in hand, you can easily create the boost fertilizers so there is no more waiting around for your pumpkins and onions to mature. With that said, waste no more time and get the energy elixir right away.

No, unfortunately. Clotho sells many alchemy ingredients and products, but energy elixir is not one of them.

Radojka Travar

I’m a gaming enthusiast with a strong passion for writing. My expertise lies in creating simple, to the point and clear content teaching you about various features, mechanics and community-based inventions related to Minecraft. In spare time, I love flying around in my Minecraft world and exploring stories of other pixelated games.

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