How to Get and Repair a Trident in Minecraft

Among all the weapons in Minecraft, the trident is one of the most special ones. Not only is the way you obtain a trident unique, but the weapon has some extraordinary properties and even exclusiveenchantmentsto help you make it more powerful. So, if you don’t know how to get one of these epic forks, you’ve come to the right place. We will teach you how to get a trident in Minecraft and repair it when it loses durability.

Last updated on June 28th, 2024 to include looting vaults as the second way of obtaining tridents

Ways to Find a Trident in Minecraft

Ways to Find a Trident in Minecraft

You can get a trident using two methods, though unfortunately, neither of them is through crafting. The first one sees you go drowned hunting, so let’s get started with this method:

1. Killing Drowned

Drowned are hostileMinecraft mobsthat spawn in light level 0 inside all oceanbiomes, rivers, and dripstone caves. They also spawn as part of ocean ruins and don’t despawn unless killed or difficulty is set to peaceful. However, they won’t respawn here either, as this spawning process is done only during world generation.

These aquatic hostile mobs will rarely spawn with a trident. To be exact, the chances of their spawn are6.25%(1 in 16 drowned) in the Java edition, and15%(3 in 20 drowned) in the Bedrock edition. After you carefully manage to kill this trident-wielding drowned, they will have a chance to drop the trident beside their usual drops.

This is where the twoMinecraft editionsdiffer drastically. In Java edition, you’ve got only an 8.5% chance to get a trident from a drowned. On the flip side, the Bedrock edition gives you much better chances – 25% – to get a trident. Looting enchantment does help with these odds, giving you 11.5% on Java and a 37% chance on Bedrock with Looting III.

Yes, this does seem kind of crazy. However, that’s not all. It’s possible to “trade” with a drowned holding a trident in Bedrock. If they aren’t attacking at the moment, you can give them anautilus shell, and they will let go of the trident to pick up the other item, giving you atrident with full durability.

So if you’re playing on the Bedrock edition, you will havefar less trouble getting a tridentthan players on the Java edition. However, the super overpowered Bedrock editionWithermakes up for this feature difference.

Moreover, to clear any confusion, zombies converted into drowned never spawn with a trident, so you cannot farm it that easily. You cannot pick up the tridents drowned throw either.

2. Looting Vaults

The second method of obtaining tridents was added in theMinecraft 1.21 update. There is a slim chance (1.8%) that thevaultwill eject a trident once you unlock it with atrial key. This process is more dangerous than killing drowned and honestly, it’s also worse in the terms of chances.

However, if you are already intrial chamberslooking for good loot and unlocking vaults/ominous vaults, this may be a fun way of getting a trident, instead of a boring grind for the drowned.

Steps to Repair a Trident in Minecraft

Steps to Repair a Trident in Minecraft

When you finally get your trident, it will most likely be pretty damaged. So, to use it fully, you will first need to repair it. How do you do that?

Well, you are going to need themendingenchanted bookto repair a trident. There is no item you can combine with a trident in ananvilto repair it, likediamondsor iron.

So, the only option left is to enchant the trident with mending. You can’tget mendingthrough theenchanting table. Instead, you will need to trade with librarianvillagers, do somefishing, or loot structures. Our linked guide will help you obtain this unique enchantment easily. When you do so, you’ll need to apply it to the trident inside theanvil. Then, you can repair the trident in Minecraft.

Hold the trident in the off-hand and simply use bottles of enchanting or your sword to kill any mobs and get XP. You can also trade with villagers and obtain XP that way. If you want tomake best farms to gain XP, then our linked guide will get you started.

If you have two tridents with low durabilities, you cancombine them in the anvilor the crafting grid to get one trident with higher durability. Though we don’t recommend this, as it is much easier just to have mending on both tridents and keep them instead of sacrificing one.

How to Use a Trident in Minecraft

You can use a trident as amelee and ranged weapon. Similarly to a sword or axe, get near a mob and right-click or use the secondary action button to hurt them up close.

If you want to throw your trident at something, hold the right-click, aim, and let go. This will launch the weapon in the direction you were looking at. But keep in mind you’ll need to pick up the trident if you haven’t enchanted it with loyalty yet. So, don’t throw it somewhere you can’t reach it, especially the void, as you won’t be able to retrieve it anymore.

What Enchantments Should You Use on Minecraft Trident

There are several trident enchantments available in the game, including:

They allow you to use this item as a super strong weapon, lightning summoner, and even a tool that can propel you through the air. We’ve got a dedicated guide ontrident enchantments, where we go through each of them in detail. So to choose which enchantments to put on your trident, definitely follow the link above.

And just like that, you now know how to get a trident, as well as repair it in your Minecraft world. This is for sure one of the coolest features that this game has. ThoughMinecraft 1.21’s new wind chargeis not to be forgotten either.

So, how long did it take for you to get your first trident? Were you lucky and the first drowned dropped it or did you grind for hours before obtaining it? Share your experience with us in the comment section below!

No, you cannot craft a trident but only get it rarely by killing trident-wielding drowned and looting vaults.

To get the trident fast, you can explore oceans in search of ocean ruins where you’ll definitely find drowned. Then, explore dripstone caves, as they have a higher rate of drowned spawning. In addition to that, rivers also have a higher rate of drowned spawning, so exploring dark parts of rivers or underwater caves will make you more likely to find a drowned with a trident.

Considering how difficult it is to get a trident and how a bow can be super powerful with good enchantments, I’d say no, a trident is not better than a bow.

Radojka Travar

I’m a gaming enthusiast with a strong passion for writing. My expertise lies in creating simple, to the point and clear content teaching you about various features, mechanics and community-based inventions related to Minecraft. In spare time, I love flying around in my Minecraft world and exploring stories of other pixelated games.

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